Fear of the future. Also known as “your peace stealer”. If you’re a planner like me, you have probably felt those moments of anxiety when things don’t go your way, or worse yet, you’re not sure how your future is going to go altogether.
So many times have I wished that I owned a crystal ball so I could see five years down the road. I have struggled with “fear of the future”, and also an occasional, innocent curiosity of what is ahead in my life, many times. However when I allow this to creep into my thoughts, it begins to manifest itself as massive anxiety. (Which in turn triggers my menopausal hot flashes, ugly sweating, and mad dashes to the kitchen freezer for relief. It’s not pretty, people.)
However, I have learned that this isn’t God’s plan for us. He has a better one! When I finally understood this concept, it became my chance to actively fight anxiety and reclaim peace in my days.
I’ll explain. Psalm 119:105 (NIV) says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” This life that we are walking out is our “path”. God doesn’t allow us to see the entire road of our future because it would be too much for us to handle. He graciously covers that future in His version of “fog” so we don’t freak out!
Imagine yourself walking in the dead of night with no stars or moon to light your way. The only source of light you have is a small handheld lamp. That lamp is only going to cast enough light to illuminate your next step. It doesn’t reach all the way down the path to your destination, but it does give enough light for your foot to find a firm and steady foundation as you slowly walk forward.
God’s word, the Bible, is that light for your path! He is the light that will give you the steady foothold you need for TODAY. We don’t need to know what tomorrow will bring, or the next day, or the next. God loves us so much that He purposely shelters us from that knowledge of the future so we can be engaged and effective in our current moment. If we are so focused on our future, we may miss out what He has for us today.
Yes, planning is good. I don’t think we are supposed to living continuously flying by the seat of our pants. However, make sure that you are committing those plans to the Lord and holding them loosely in your hands. They are ultimately His plans, and He directs our steps. Psalm 37:5 says, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:”
It has taken time, and often a few self reminders, but I’ve learned to not worry about my future and instead to stay present in my current moment. Those times when I allow myself to give into that fear, it’s as though I’m telling God that I don’t trust His plans for me.
To get into this trusting and peaceful mindset each morning, I start by praying scripture. Praying scripture is like pulling out your best weapon in your arsenal and pointing it at the enemy with a steely gaze and rock solid confidence.
This is what sounds like when I pray using my “weapons”:
“Good morning, Holy Spirit. I give you my day today. Jesus, You say that Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path, so today I ask that You pour your wisdom into my heart this morning as I read your word. Show me what I need to know for this moment. Lord, I know that You determine my steps, and I don’t need to fear my future. I commit my way to You today, Lord, and I trust You in all things!”
Speak God’s promises back to Him in your prayers, confidently acknowledging that you trust Him to come through!
Taking one day at a time, not focusing on the “what ifs” of my future, and resting in God’s “peace that surpasses all understanding” has helped me be okay with the fog of the unknown. Stay present in THIS moment, and don’t let fear steal your peace!
Jamie, Amen!!! I right there with you sister.
We are reading George Muller right now and it is sure going our faith to see how through prayer he trusted the Lord for daily provision. I want to have that same faith as George Muller.
You are such an inspiration, Jamie! I needed that —- TY!
Thank you for these words of wisdom! Applying this in our lives will allow us to savor in every moment with joy and gratitude! One day at a time sweet Jesus! – I will trust the Lord! Thank you for being a light my sweet friend!
Very important for me. Thank you so much.