Apr 20

First Chemo Treatment in the Books!

Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts today. I can tell you I actually felt them. I woke up this morning feeling peaceful and ready to get this party started. I did have a few “oh crap” thoughts as we were driving to the hospital, but those were momentary and fleeting. Thank goodness. 

The port placement went well, and I knew I was in good hands when the doctor came in wearing a University of Iowa surgical cap. YES! Go HAWKS! My alma mater!

After the port placement I had some lab draws and then it was time to get the good stuff. After the first bag of Benadryl, I was feeling a little loopy, and managed to close my eyes and rest a bit. Then came the chemo cocktail. Again, that went down fine with no initial allergic reaction which was another answered prayer. 

I was at the hospital most of the day, so I packed some essentials that I thought would make this experience a little more tolerable.

I had a Glamour magazine, (because who doesn’t want to feel glamorous while pumping poison through their body), a wonderful list of healing scriptures that I mediated on thanks to a sweet friend, some healthy snacks (it’s all about the “sprouted” seeds), my lavender essential oil that helped to relax me (I had nurses coming in to ask what smelled so good!), my fantastic 32 ounce glass water bottle from BKR, my Beautycounter hand cream containing ZERO ingredients that are linked to causing cancer, and last but certainly not least, the cute guy in the corner who was the best “essential” all day.  My amazing husband.
